Lake Macbride by Kathleen Maris Paltrineri
Lake Macbride by Kathleen Maris Paltrineri

“In quietude I feel I am everywhere at once—my own body rehearsing its wintering act, too. I look up from the table to the far side of the lake to see a buck limping, his hind legs sixteenth-notes in the dry leaves. From far off, a shot sounds like an encyclopedia falling to a wooden floor and like the echo of its striking.”

Passage by thandiwe Dee Watts-Jones
Passage by thandiwe Dee Watts-Jones

“It’s official: dementia and medication. Not unexpected. But getting the ICD code is like being pinned. Mom does not protest.
The transitions before me are not unique, I know. Yet the fact that they’re universal and part of life matters as much to me as cocktail party chitchat.
What I treasure are tiny pearls that appear in mundane surroundings, a particular moment between particular people.”

Decisions by Livia Meneghin
Decisions by Livia Meneghin

“consider the (curious)(strained) way she admires the hummingbirds (hovering)(swirling) above her head, and the air now saturated with (teargas)(sun)(clementines)“ Enjoy this audio recording of “Decisions” by Livia Meneghin from Vol.

Barbara Baldwin, In Memoriam
Barbara Baldwin, In Memoriam

On May 5, 2017, Barbara Baldwin—poet and founding editor of CALYX—passed away. I didn’t have the privilege of knowing Barbara long enough, although I’d been hearing about her for years