In her old life, Grammy shelved books via the Dewey Decimal,
never imagined she would need a YouTube video on how to probe a vent.

So much science reduced to the withstanding of unease,
an ISA Brown hen upside down under her arm.”

Enjoy this audio recording of “The Day Before Her Daughter’s BRCA Test Is Positive, Grammy Has an Egg-Bound Chicken” by Carla Panciera from Vol. 33:2 of CALYX Journal! 

Carla Panciera has published two poetry collections: One of the Cimalores (Cider Press) and No Day, No Dusk, No Love (Bordighera). Her short story collection, Bewildered, received AWP’s Grace Paley Prize. A second collection of short fiction is forthcoming. A high school English teacher, Carla lives in Rowley, MA.